How Many Times Should I Workout Per Week For Best Results?

This is probably the question I get asked most! Ultimately it really depends on your goals. Are you looking to lose weight, build muscle? Your goal and the timeframe you want to achieve it in will largely dictate how many times you should workout. I tell my clients that a good “minimum” amount to really see your hard work is 3 times a week. According to the major sports medicine organizations you should aim for 150 minutes of physical activity per week. Aiming for a realistic number of times you can work out and sticking to it will garner your best results.

How Long Do My Workouts Need To Be To Achieve Best Results

The length of time that you workout isn’t necessarily the only factor to take into account in achieving your best results. I like to view it as aiming for quality of your workout vs. the quantity. You can get a really effective workout in less than 30 minutes if you work at a higher intensity and perform compound exercises that utilize your upper and lower body. You can also perform your workouts in short increments so that the total workout time is at least 30 minutes. This can be a great alternative if you are very crunched for time. I recommend trying to do at least 30 minutes, but ultimately strive to workout out in an efficient and strategic way so you maximize whatever amount of time you can commit to.

Why Do I Need To Complete A Consultation Before Training?

Completing a consultation before you begin training is the best way to determine your baseline. It helps me understand what you are capable of doing, where your strengths and weaknesses lie, if you have medical history that will impact your training, your current nutrition habits and what your goals are. I see the consultation sort of like an interview. It’s an opportunity for both of us to determine if I am the right trainer for you and if I can realistically work with you as a client.

How Much Do You Charge Per Session?

For specific information about my pricing options send an email to Upon receipt of your email you will be sent a pricing sheet.

How Do You Define Clean Eating?

I define clean eating as being smart about the food you consume with the ultimate goal of choosing foods that are free of preservatives or being over processed. You want to eat whole foods that are as “organic and farm fresh” as possible. I also make “healthy swaps” in the recipes I can’t live without. It’s a great way to still enjoy these foods and feel good knowing that you have added a healthier twist to it. You want to feel good about what you are putting into your body and living a healthier lifestyle!

How long does it typically take to see results?

Seeing results really depends on so many factors. Your body type, metabolism, genetics, diet and the type of exercise routine you choose will affect the results you see. Everyone’s body responds differently so working with a trainer can really help you identify the best plan to get you the best results. I do believe that you need to give yourself at least 90 days to see results unless you are doing an extreme diet and exercise routine which I don’t recommend. That time frame, if you are consistent with your diet and exercise, should garner results.

Will I bulk up if I lift weights?

Women mostly believe that they will “bulk up” if they lift weights. I’m living proof that is not possible unless you consume a ridiculous amount of calories and perform your exercise routine with the intention to increase your muscle size. Lifting weights is one of the best ways to promote weight loss and burn fat and calories. And for women, who are more prone to developing osteoporosis, lifting weights can strengthen your bones and increase your bone density. So get to lifting those weights!

Why do I need to provide medical history and nutrition habits?

Providing medical history and nutrition habits is very important in ensuring that I develop the best training program for my clients. I also want to ensure utmost safety for my clients. If there is any condition, limitation or habits that will impact my clients’ progress I want to know about it so we can adapt, improvise and overcome!

What should I eat to boost my metabolism?

Everyone’s metabolism differs. And though genetics play a major role in just how fast or slow your metabolism is there are some healthy and natural ways to give it a boost. Just keep in mind that to really make a dent, you need to be consistently exercising and eating a well-balanced diet. Try incorporating some of the following foods: green tea, extra virgin olive oil, eggs, eat more protein, whole grains, garlic, beans, lentils, salmon and apples to name a few! In addition, adding in some healthy lifestyle choices can be beneficial. For example, incorporating more HIIT (high intensity interval training) and weight lifting to your exercise routing and getting at least 8 hours of sleep daily.

How do you customize the workouts?

When I complete an initial consultation, it allows me to determine the best type of exercise plan that will specifically address a client’s challenge. Pretty much every workout incorporates a progression to help clients evolve. I want to keep a client’s body guessing to help avoid hitting plateaus. I utilize different rep counts, varying weights, timed intervals and different exercise combinations to keep every workout interesting, challenging and fun!

What type of clients do you train?

I train women who are mainly in their mid 30s to early 50s. They come from all walks of life, are from very diverse backgrounds and are either full-time or part-time working mothers. Some of my clients have never exercised and others are more seasoned. I enjoy working with clients who are committed to making a healthy lifestyle change.

Do you change every workout session?

I pride myself on changing up every workout session to keep my clients from hitting plateaus. It is also a great way to keep my clients engaged and motivated. The changes might be subtle or very noticeable. In the end the changes I incorporate aim to progress my client’s goals and help them achieve more than they thought was possible.